European Forest (c)

1,2 millon votes for a strong EU Forest Law

In 2020, together with over 160 nature and human rights organisations, we campaigned for a robust EU Forest Law. It was a success: almost 1.2 million people voted in the public consultation.

Header photo: European Forest © Yaroslav Shuraev

This is a significant result, because the European Forest Law represents a unique opportunity to end Europe’s involvement in global deforestation.

The Netherlands top importer

Together, EU Member States are responsible for more than one third of global imports of products that have been deforested. The European Commission is working on legislation to protect forests and other nature around the world from this. As a top importer and transit port of soy, palm oil and cocoa, the Netherlands has a major responsibility to stop illegal and legal deforestation.

Together with Greenpeace and our member organisations World Wide Fund for Nature, BirdLife Netherlands (Vogelbescherming Nederland), Both ENDS and Tropenbos International, we called on Minister Carola Schouten to take the lead in Brussels and urge other Member States to support a robust European Forest Law.

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