Jaguar in Water

What did IUCN NL do in 2021? Read our annual report.

All over the world, people are working hard to create a just, sustainable world. In 2021, too, important steps were taken towards this goal. In this annual report we look back on the steps we took in 2021 together with our international partners and the Dutch IUCN members.

Headerfoto: Patrick Meier

We’re sharing that in 2021 we:

  • funded 85 partner initiatives worth 4.96 million.
  • handed over 152 pledges from Dutch organizations to Minister Schouten, in which the organizations pledge what their contribution to the 2030 biodiversity targets will be.
  • supported 10 environmental defenders in three countries with our emergency fund.
  • contributed to the arrest of 5 jaguar traffickers in Bolivia as part of Operation Jaguar.
  • organized 30 sessions with 32 partners in the IUCN NL pavilion at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille.
  • enabled the purchase of 3 areas of over 800 hectares of nature with our partners in Mexico, Brazil and the Philippines.

Browse through the IUCN NL annual report 2021

Questions about our annual report?

Elske Swets
Head of Communications
Phone: 020-3018251