IUCN NL Land Acquisition Fund supports safeguarding threatened nature Photo ORCT

Land Acquisition Fund: call for proposals to safeguard nature

The IUCN NL Land Acquisition Fund invites local conservation NGOs and CSOs from around the world to submit their proposal to safeguard nature. The fund contributes to initiatives acquiring threatened nature, creating reserves and connecting wildlife habitats for endangered species. This includes land purchase, long term lease of land and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). The deadline to submit your proposal is Wednesday, 1 May 2024.

Header photo: endangered Gibbaeum hartmannianum in a renosterveld, South Africa. © ORCT

Since its foundation in 2001, the Land Acquisition Fund of IUCN NL has enabled safeguarding over 60.000 hectares of natural habitat. Through the work of the local NGOs, land acquisition creates a win-win for biodiversity, the climate and human well-being. The Land Acquisition Fund is supported by a growing number of private donors.

Main criteria for submitting a proposal

The general objective of the proposed project must be in line with the objective of the Land Acquisition Fund: providing funds to local NGOs and CSOs to acquire threatened nature, create safe reserves and connect wildlife habitats for endangered species.

Furthermore, potentially successful proposals are from NGOs or CSOs that have:

  • experience and capacity concerning the effective management of a conservation area, and
  • experience and capacity in the field of project management and financial management and control.

The Land Acquisition Fund cannot grant financial assistance to:

  • individuals,
  • commercial (for profit) organisations,
  • governmental institutions, and
  • projects/ organisations with a primary focus on sustainable agricultural systems or to education, rescue, or rehabilitation centres.

Submit your proposal by Wednesday, 1 May 2024.

Guidelines for privately protected areas

Together with American Bird Conservancy, the Land Acquisition Fund published a manual with practical guidelines for people managing privately protected areas (PPAs). This manual is based on lessons learned from PPA managers and other experts, and shares nine pragmatic steps guiding readers from the creation phase to the development of management tools. Applicants are advised to read the manual:

More information? Contact:

Marc Hoogeslag
Senior Expert Nature Conservation