Wednesday 15 august 2018
How can we facilitate economic growth that is inclusive, climate-resilient and sustainable? In the African growth corridors, the landscape approach offers a solution. These corridors in for example Tanzania and Mozambique are regions that are being prioritized for rapid economic growth.
Header photo: Group of female farmers in the African growth corridors (c) SUSTAIN
Many stakeholders are involved in this process: rural communities and farmers who depend on water resources in the landscape, businesses who are investing in the region, and government. By including them in a landscape-wide multi-stakeholder dialogue, we work towards inclusive landscape management that offers solutions for the sustainability of water and ecosystems.
Learn more about this powerful example of the landscape approach in this multimedia story ‘Environmental Sustainability and Social Inclusion for African Growth Corridors’.
IUCN NL’s activities in the African growth corridors are part of SUSTAIN-Africa. Led by IUCN, the SUSTAIN alliance consists of IUCN NL, African Wildlife Foundation and SNV and is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.