jaguar (c) Svetlana Foote Getty Images via Canva

Report: the criminal networks behind illegal jaguar trade

International criminal networks are responsible for the illegal jaguar trade from Suriname. The criminals involved in the illegal trade of jaguar products are often also involved in other criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, money laundering and human smuggling. As part of ‘Operation Jaguar’, our project partner Earth League International (ELI) investigated these criminal networks in multiple South American countries, including Suriname.

Header photo: Jaguar by Svetlana Foote via Getty Images Canva

All across Latin America, jaguars (Panthera onca) are being seriously threatened by poaching and trafficking. It impacts not only the jaguars themselves, but also the ecosystems they belong to, the local communities concerned, and, finally, environmental policy and regulation.

In the report Unveiling the criminal networks behind jaguar trafficking in Suriname, we identify 75 individuals involved in the illegal trade jaguar products, of which 20 from Suriname. The research also discovered that Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands is an important transit port, as well as a final destination for many illegal animal products.

About Operation Jaguar

Jaguar poaching in South America is increasing due to demand for the fangs, bones and other parts of the animal’s body. We fight wildlife crime by exposing criminal networks and making investigations and prosecution by the authorities more professional, so this top predator can continue to fulfil its important role in the ecosystem.

Operation Jaguar was a joint project of IUCN NL, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), and Earth League International (ELI) and was made possible by the Dutch Postcode Lottery.

More information? Contact:

Marc Hoogeslag
Senior Expert Nature Conservation
Liliana Jauregui
Liliana Jauregui